Justice for You
It's frightening to be arrested and charged with a crime. But our clients know this - We get results. When your freedom and Constitutional rights are threatened, we know how to defend you. While some of our clients are high-profile individuals and families, we treat all of our clients as priorities. Call us today for a free confidential consultation.
Years of Experience
We have been fighting the most sophisticated DUI cases in Los Angeles for years. From misdemeanors to felony DUI with injury, we have fought them all across California. A DUI conviction can carry harsh penalties but it can further have life altering immigration, employment, and occupational license consequences as well. Call us, we can help.
Proven Success
Let us be the buffer between you and the court system. Many people are too scared to return to court once they have failed to appear on their case for fear they will taken to jail when they return. We have an extensive history of success in getting our clients back on track without jail when we go to court on their behalf.
Specialized Expertise
Getting pulled over for a suspended license is a nasty surprise: car impounded, fines, points and criminal charges. Many people don’t even know their license is suspended or why. That’s because there is a complicated relationship between the DMV and the traffic and criminal court systems. Call us, we understand how it all works.

Protect Your Record
Did you know paying your traffic ticket off without going to court is the same as pleading guilty? Convictions and points against your driving record are what insurance companies use to increase your premiums for several years. We have fought every type of traffic case there is in Southern California. Call us because every ticket is worth fighting in court.
Get What You Deserve
Being the victim of an auto accident is one of the most overwhelming things you can experience. Insurance companies are looking to settle cases quickly for the cheapest cost to their bottom line. So you need to fight to get the compensation you need and deserve. For compassionate and aggressive representation, call us for a free consultation.
Move On With Your Life
A criminal conviction can stand in the way of new career opportunities, school applications, and even traveling to other countries. It doesn’t have to be this way. We have helped thousands of clients sanitize their record and get their convictions dismissed to achieve their dreams. Call us and let us help you move on with your life.
Protect Your License
For every DUI arrest in California there is a separate DMV hearing where you can challenge the suspension of your driver’s license provided you claim it within 10 days of your arrest. We understand how these hearings work and which strategies are the most effective to employ in order to have the best chance at success.
People v. NH
Client charged with second time DUI with refusal in Los Angeles.
Case dismissed.
People v. AG
Client charged with felony assault with a firearm under CPC §245(a)(2), felony criminal threats under CPC §422(a), plus a gun enhancement under CPC §12022.5(a). Client facing 17 year maximum exposure in state prison.
Not Guilty after court trial
People v. VR
Client, a resident obstetrician, charged with 1st time DUI in Van Nuys with a BAC of .11.
Charges reduced to an exhibition of speed under CVC §23109(c). No action taken on client's medical license by regulatory board.
People v. BT
Client charged with 1st time DUI in Los Angeles, with a BAC of .12.
Case Dismissed
People v. AO
Juvenile charged with 2 counts of second degree robbery under CPC §211, plus a gun enhancement under CPC 12022.5(a). Client was facing maximum exposure of 10+ years in state prison.
Suspended sentence, home on probation, case dismissed upon completion of probation.
People v. RL
Client charged with 1st time DUI in Los Angeles with a BAC of .11 with an auto accident causing a FedEx truck to flip.
Charges reduced to a exhibition of speed under CVC §23109(c), no jail time or DUI class.
People v. ZA
Client, a commercial airline pilot, charged with misdemeanor battery under CPC §242 in Torrance. Pilot's license in jeopardy of being permanently revoked if convicted.
Case Dismissed.
People v. RP
Client charged with misdemeanor domestic violence under CPC 273.5(a).
Case dismissed.
People v. AC
Client charged with 2nd time DUI in Santa Ana, with a BAC of .16. Client had just pled to first time DUI 3 months prior before picking up a second DUI.
No Jail Time. Client received house arrest.
People v. LC
Client charged with felony corporal injury under CPC §273.5(a) and felony false imprisonment by violence under CPC §236.
Case Dismissed.
People v. LA
In a prior case, client pled to one count of felony corporal injury to spouse under CPC §273.5(a). Client was unaware of immigration consequences which placed him in removal proceedings.
Successfully argued motion to withdraw plea and negotiated to modify charge to a misdemeanor simple domestic battery §243(e)(1)
People v. DB
Client charged with first time Felony DUI with injury in Los Angeles with a BAC of .12.
Reduced to wet reckless under CVC §23103 per §23103.5 with reduced fines.
People v. MH
Client charged with misdemeanor domestic violence under CPC 273.5(a).
Case dismissed. No plea entered to preserve client's future rights to own a firearm.
People v. MC
Client charged with 1st time DUI in Los Angeles, with a BAC of .09.
Case Dismissed.
People v. JD
Client charged with 1st time DUI in Los Angeles with a BAC of .11.
Charges reduced to a exhibition of speed under CVC §23109(c), no jail time, no DUI class, no labor and reduced fines.

Since 2009, The Law Office Of Damian Siwek has been defending clients charged with crimes in the Los Angeles area with proven success. We are consistent, patient and professional, giving each new case our undivided attention while walking you through each step of the process.
We only accept a limited number of clients at a time and provide each client and their families with the utmost in service and accessibility. We pride ourselves on ‘leaving no stone unturned’ in each case we take on. We never take short cuts. Our belief is that by limiting the number of clients that we represent at a time, we are able to represent each client in the manner that they deserve to be represented.
Our Managing Partner, Damian Siwek, is an aggressive and experienced Los Angeles based criminal defense attorney. Mr. Siwek has appeared in nearly every courthouse in Southern California across Los Angeles County, Orange County, Santa Barbara County, San Bernardino County, San Diego County, Riverside County and Ventura County. Mr. Siwek is also licensed to practice law in the state of Texas.
Throughout his career Mr. Siwek has successfully represented hundreds upon hundreds of people facing a variety of charges in traffic, misdemeanor and felony courts. This broad spectrum has allowed Mr. Siwek to gain immense knowledge of the vast criminal law arena in California. Along the way, Mr. Siwek has also formed many valuable friendships with fellow attorneys, prosecutors, clerks, bailiffs, corrections officers, probation officers and judicial assistants that continue to be of great benefit to our practice today. But make no mistake about it - Mr. Siwek is a hardwired criminal defense attorney. It's the only side of the law he has ever served.
If you or a loved one are facing any criminal charges, call us for a free consultation or submit your case through our contact page and receive a response in 24 hours.

We're here to help you. If you have a traffic related matter, please include your driver's license number and your date of birth. This will allow us to have a more informed consultation with you when we return your call.